Personality Profile

Gregory Jones BCounsCo

Sigma INFJ (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator profile) 

Introversion - Intuition - Feeling - Judging

Also known as 'The Protector' / 'The Advocate' / 'The Diplomat'

Very rare personality type (under 2% of the world's population) with an inborn sense of idealism and morality these personality types are capable of taking concrete steps to realise goals and make a lasting positive impact.

  • Reserved individuals who are fiercely loyal to their close friends.
  • Empathetic and organised workers.
  • Always seeking to improve ourselves in deep ways.
  • Exceptional leaders for causes deemed worthy for the greater good of humanity.
  • INFJ's often report feeling 'lonely' and 'different' for good reason as they make up under 2% of the world's population and have trouble finding others who see the world in the same realm as they do.
  • Feel different from their peers since an early age.
  • Don't waste time on anything inauthentic, preferring quality over quantity.
  • Exude warmness towards others, very skilled in making others feel at ease.
  • Great listeners, trusted confidants who speak in human terms.
  • Highly accurate sense of intuition sharpened over the course of their lives.
  • Often see true characters within minutes of meeting someone.
  • True calling is seeking insight and understanding whilst promoting self-reflection.
  • Social chameleons, however, lose energy when spending too much time with people as they are true introverts. We absorb energies by default. People don't often engage with us unless we give out energy. We feel as if we fade away in social situations if we don't give out energy or speak much. We ask 'what do we accomplish if we express ourselves'? We only want to add value.
  • They have a need to foster change in society.
  • High achievers, 'people pleasers'.
  • Plan details and deliver glowing projects, striving for perfection.
  • Masters of language and creative writing.
  • People can be put off by how 'present' we are, actively taking in everything and processing/analyzing it.
  • Old souls reflecting on purpose. Some INFJ's (like myself) feel like an old soul and live each day like it's our very last. We feel that the material world and this 'life' isn't just 'it'.
  • Readers, researchers and intellectuals who truly enjoy the learning process.
  • Visionaries, always ten steps ahead.
  • Skilled planners with focus on the end goal and what is needed to propel people forward.
  • Fixers who gravitate towards people who need help, readily providing comfort and compassion.
  • Seek lifelong, true-blue relationships. Note: partners must grow and self-improve with us otherwise we feel incompatible.
  • Winning isn't everything, it's about playing the game. 
  • INFJ's have an eye on the 'greater picture'.

In friendships - it's all about authenticity and sincerity.

In relationships - Take the process of finding a partner seriously. Not one for casual encounters, only true connection which is genuine and deep.

Careers - Everything about truth, beauty and purpose in helping to connect. These include counsellors, psychologists, doctors, life coaches, spiritual guides, teacher (humanities/arts), designer. 

Weaknesses - Sensitive, extremely private, perfectionistic, always need to have a cause, burn out easily. Stresses when juggling too many details, when expectations are too high of myself, when following instructions violates my individuality and when surrounded by disorganisation. 


* Are you intrigued to find out more about YOUR personality type/traits?

Click here to take a FREE personality test via the 16 Personalities website utilising the NERIS Type Explorer (similar to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator).



  1. Humour and playfulness
  2. Caution, prudence and discretion
  3. Gratitude
  4. Hope, optimism and future-mindedness
  5. Creativity, ingenuity and originality

    Click here to take the FREE VIA Character Strengths test.

VALUES (My 'Top 5')

  1. Vision
  2. Well-being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual)
  3. Clarity
  4. Creativity
  5. Enthusiasm / positive attitude