Inspirations & Loves

Positive & Creative People

Thinkers and Dreamers. People who challenge 'the system'. Promoters of positive psychology ideology who encouraging optimism, hope and resilience in the wider community - 'equality warriors'.

Michael Jackson - the world's greatest entertainer. A creative inspiration for music and dance composition as well as short film presentation. He always challenged conventional thinking and broke new ground in the entertainment field. An inspiring leader for humanitarian efforts.

'Study the greats, and become greater' - Michael Jackson. I live by this motto, and am always building on my own legacy in that process.

* Four of my favourite MJ songs are 'Jam', 'Stranger In Moscow', 'Who Is It' and 'Best Of Joy' ("I/We Are Forever"). I am also a huge fan of his dance remixes.


My overall favourite song is 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen.


Robin Williams - the world's greatest comedian and inspiring actor. In comedy, timing is everything. The man is forever a true legend, an intelligent burst of playful energy. Leslie Neilsen is also in that category for me.


My favourite genre is Comedy, followed by Drama.

Creative Medium & Roles

The theatre world - every fibre of my being is infused with love for the performing arts; from acting to directing, to technical operations, promotions & publicity, props & set construction, and especially costuming and make-up. My many productive years of work in this industry proves the depth of this love.

My favourite roles played include Sherlock Holmes, The Mad Hatter, Mr Mash/Young Mr Grace, Riff Raff & Bad King John.


My favourite actors include Sir Ian McKellan, Elijah Wood, Tom Holland, Johnny Depp, Chris Pratt, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Jim Carrey, Betty White, Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Hugh Jackman, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Maggie Smith, Dame Judy Dench, Heath Ledger, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth. I consider each as masters in their fields of work.

Characters & Films

My favourite musical number is 'Trip a Little Light Fantastic' from 'Mary Poppins Returns', a perfectly choreographed scene that guarantees a smile whenever I feel alone or depressed. It inspires me to be my own illuminary.

"Let's say you're lost in a park, sure you can give in to the dark or you can trip a little light fantastic with me. When you're alone in your room, your choice is just embrace the gloom, or you can trip a little light fantastic with me. For if you hide under the covers, you might never see the day. But if a spark can start inside your heart, then you can always find the way. So when life is getting dreary, just pretend that you're a leerie, as you trip a little light fantastic with me." - Jack, the lamplighter.

Frodo Baggins (fictional) - proving that the smallest person can accomplish the greatest achievements through sheer willpower (and a little support along the way). A few of my favourite films include the Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit trilogy movies.

Other favourite fictional characters particularly from my early childhood are E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Astro Boy and the 'Fraggles' Gobo & Wembley. 

Star Wars - I am a big fan of overarching stories of Good vs Evil and the struggles between both. Particularly fond of the original trilogy (Episodes 4 - 6). My hero is Luke Skywalker and I admire everything about Yoda.

My favourite romance film is Brokeback Mountain. I consider myself a true romantic, however, there have been so few fleeting moments in my life where I have had the opportunity to show this and to fully realise it's power. For most of my life true love has just been a fantastical idea, replayed repeatedly in my head and yearning to be explored. Yes, I have once fallen deeply in love and have a special place buried right in the centre of my heart for a particular fellow - so this film particularly speaks to that part of me where my struggle taking each day as it comes and managing my strong emotions around this quietly and on my own suddenly becomes less burdensome, knowing that even from a fictional perspective this pain is not experienced just by me. I love this story between Jack & Ennis, it is very relatable for me (and I cry during every viewing). I truly wish I still had someone to love at that level.


My favourite superhero is Superman, the true representation of a gentleman. Batman a close second. 


My best mate Jye Bryant - his musical talents and creative processes continuously inspire me to be bigger and better following my previous work projects.

Books & Authors

My favourite book is from children's author Roald Dahl - 'The Witches'. I read this as a young boy back in 1986, and it instantly transported me into a world of wonder and magic, looking beyond the world presented to me whilst searching for evidence of trickery. These were before the days of Harry Potter. I would love to have a hand at writing stories of this calibre. 

Other authors I admire are Lewis Carroll, The Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, Charles Dickens, J R Tolkien and William Shakespeare. 

Video Games

Nintendo video games - engaging, fun and clean entertainment for a healthy, problem-solving mind. They enable me to escape into fun, playful worlds. My favourite gaming system is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). My favourite games include: The Legend Of Zelda, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart series.


My favourite foods are Italian pasta dishes (most on traditional menus) served with various breads. Also a very big fan of cookies & cream flavoured ice-cream. 


One of my favourite all-time motto's is 'Be a bright light in a dark world', which directly inspires me to be a strong and capable leader in all things I do, and one of my favourite quotes comes from the Michael Jackson song, 'Man In The Mirror' - "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make that change!'.

'Be at your best so you can show others how to be at their best!'

"Surround yourself with people who hold you to a higher standard than you hold yourself. It is your job to create life-transforming experiences, you have agency. If you're waiting for your external situation to change on its own, then you're being a victim to circumstance, an object which is being acted upon" - Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach.

"Raise your standards by improving the external inputs you let in, and over time you'll adapt to whatever you consistently interact with. Your life is a reflection of your standards, or what you're willing to tolerate. Most people are willing to tolerate unhealthy relationships, poor finances, and jobs they hate. If not so, those things wouldn't be in their lives" - Tony Robbins, Life Coach Guru, author, entrepreneur and philanthropist.

What inspires you, and what do you love?